Comedian Patton Oswalt Endorses Diane Savino For President Based On Her Marriage Equality Speech

Long before Facebook made supporting marriage equality cool, New York State Senator Diane Savino gave a stirring speech on the issue back in December of 2009. It was both moving and humorous, and Savino respectfully laid out her case for marriage equality.
The speech got renewed relevance this past week when famous comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted it out to his 1.1 million Twitter followers.
In the speech, which has already been viewed more than half a million times, Savino weaved in her call for fairness in the marriage equality debate with examples of real life gay relationships – including two legislators that she calls out – that she believes are unfairly discriminated against. She also
dismissed religious concerns regarding the legalization of gay marriage, cleverly noting that traditional marriage in America, whichopponents
are trying to defend, is an institution plagued by skyrocketing divorce rates.Savino also humorously checked off a list of reality T.V. shows that turn marriage into a contest and make mockery of an institution that heterosexuals take for granted. Her remarks on reality T.V. and her own failed relationships actually cause the Senate to break out in laughter on several occasions.
“We in government don’t determine the quality or validity of people’s relationships, if we did, we would not issue three quarters of the marriage licences we do,” Savino said to a round of snarky laughter.
It is a great speech well worth watching, inspiring the hilarious and, in my opinion, brilliant Patton Oswalt to declare his support for Savino if she ever decides to run for president. Check it out.