City Beaches Officially Open Today

Ah, Memorial Day weekend, the kick-off to summer. Big-budget blockbuster movies hit the theaters (Men in Black 3 and The Avengers are both playing at the Kent on CIA), and the city officially opens its 14 miles of beaches.

During beach season, which runs through Labor Day, lifeguards are on duty daily from 10am to 6pm. Check out this site for a list of city beaches and directions on how to get to them, and let us know your own beach tips in the comments.

We’re not that far from Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Rockaway, and Manhattan Beach–do you drive, bike, walk, or take public transit out to any of those in the summer? What’s the best route? Do you bring food, or do you grab a hot dog or a taco when you get there? And is there anyplace good locally for beach gear–coolers, beach towels, umbrellas, comfy folding chairs?