CIA Traffic Update

This is the fourth weekly update about, traffic problems on Coney Island Avenue, and while double parking, cars parked perpendicular, and shop signs are all still blocking a lane of traffic, there are two changes. First, notice the different sign for M&M Auto Glass–it’s smaller and on wheels, but yes, still jutting out into a lane of traffic.

Another photo sent in by reader alsivi below shows cars in the no-standing zone others double parked.

And this one from yesterday shows how backup up the traffic can get–and this is a quieter travel time in the middle of the day. Vehicles were waiting beyond the stop light at Avenue C.

Besides the M&M sign, the other thing that’s changed since last week is that the 66th Precinct got a new commanding officer. Deputy Inspector John Sprague has gone to Staten Island’s 120th Precinct, and he’s been succeeded by Deputy Inspector Michael Deddo, who most recently commanded the 63rd Precinct. If you can, try to stop by the 66th Precinct Community Council meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 19, 7:30pm, at 5910 13th Ave. Meet the new DI, express your concerns about this problem, and hopefully he’ll be able to address it going forward.

If you haven’t already, please go vote for the SeeClickFix issue (there’s a “vote” button on the top right) and add a comment there as well.

Please continue to report blocked streets and sidewalks to 311, either by phone or online. And email us pictures–we’ll keep posting them until something changes