Chris McCreight will run for the 46th Assembly district seat

Southern Brooklyn- After months of speculation, Chris McCreight has thrown his hat into the race to fill the vacant assembly seat in the 46th Assembly district.
The news came as two local political clubs prematurely endorsed the candidate on social media. Yesterday, immediately following a monthly LAMBDA meeting where Coney Island-based candidate Mathylde Frontus pitched the club, the club took to Facebook to announce their support for McCreight.
Soon after, Bay Ridge Democrats, of which McCreight is a founding member, announced their support for McCreight on Twitter.
Currently, McCreight is the communications director for long-time friend and colleague City Councilmember Justin Brannan but will presumably step down from his post during his candidacy.
The Ridgite will be the first candidate to officially announce a run from the Bay Ridge faction of the district. Meanwhile, two Democrático candidates have emerged from Coney Island — Mathylde Frontus and Ethan Lustig-Elgrably.
McCreight told Bklyner he will make his official announcement on Monday.
All three candidates will compete for the Democratic nomination in September and a final candidate will face Republican candidate Steve Saperstein in a November face-off.