Check Out These Photos From Friday’s Snowfall, As We Brace For A Bitter Cold Tonight

Sure, it started out as a warm, wet Monday. But as the day has gone on, the thermometer’s mercury has steadily crept downward as we experience one of the steepest temperature drops in New York City history. Tonight will see a low of nine degrees, edging only slightly upward with a high of 12 degrees on Tuesday.

What better way to get you ready for that bitter chill than to show you photos of snow? We usually do a photo gallery from the first major snow day of the season, but most of these photos came in too late on Friday… and I was on vacation, enjoying someplace warmer than this. So here are some of the great photos we received last week, and if you see something that particularly captures tonight’s and tomorrow’s cold spell, snag a photo on your cell phone or other camera and send it over to nberke [at] sheepsheadbites [dot] com.

In the meantime, stay warm and check on your neighbors!

Thanks to Roman Kruglov,  George Burshteyn,  Lilja Nielsen, Shamil Ben and Tom Paolillo for submitting.