Century Bike Tour This Sunday

Routes via TA

PROSPECT PARK — Transportation Alternatives is holding their 28th annual urban bike ride on Sunday, and it will affect Brooklynites. There are a five rides of between 15 and 100 miles in lengths, and you have an option to start at Central Park or Prospect Park, all end in Central Park.

The family friendly 15-mile route is new this year, and starts at Machate Circle, Prospect Park (the roundabout by Parade Grounds at Parkside). Riders will cross the Manhattan Bridge and travel up the east side into the NYC Century Festival at Central Park. All participants will start together and there will be NYPD escort, organizers say.

Here are the start times in Brooklyn, and you can still register:

Brooklyn Start in Prospect Park: Machate Circle, Prospect Park Southwest and Parkside Ave. Ride Start Times:

100 Miles: 6:30am
75 Miles: 7:00am
55 Miles: 7:30am
35 Miles: 8:00am
15 Miles: 10:00am