Celebrate Pi Day With Pie!

Image via easyjunkremoval_mo.

Math and pie-loving nerds, unite! Today is March 14, also known as 3.14 or Pi Day! Named after the mathematical constant of pi, you don’t have to know that π = the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to celebrate. You just need a sweet tooth!

So whether you’re having a pie party for one or a dozen people, look no further than our own neighborhood bakeries that are providing us a way to eat pie in honor of pi.

The Good Batch (936 Fulton Street) is selling heaps of mini pies today and will have them available for Pi Day fans, as well, until they run out! Try the Raspberry Crumb!

Four & Twenty Blackbirds at their Café at Central Public Library (10 Grand Army Plaza) is selling 3 slices of pi(e) $14. The café is open until 9pm, but we can’t guarantee the pi(e) will last all day.

Image via Emily.

Clementine Bakery (299 Greene Avenue) is always good for delicious pies, Pi Day or not, especially if you need  a vegan or gluten-free option! Our favorites are cherry lattice and pumpkin!

Greene Grape Provisions (753 Fulton Street) doesn’t have any pi day deals but always has pie every day!

Emily (919 Fulton Street) is your stop for the savory pizza pie option of the day, so get your pie with pepperoni spelling out π!

Enjoy your 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 Day!