Car, Van “Shredded” In Brown Street Accident

A head on collision left a senior citizen and resident of East 28th Street injured around 10:00 a.m.
According to reader Ariela B., the driver was making a left turn from Avenue V onto Brown Street when a van from the Crown Nursing and Rehabilitation Center came “barreling down” Avenue V toward Nostrand Avenue and struck him almost head on. The impact sent the car spinning, and it then slammed into the corner pole of a fence on the block. Both vehicle’s fronts were “shredded” with car parts strewn everywhere.
“I heard the crash from my bathroom,” said Ariela B. “It sounded like a gunshot, then a huge crumple, then beep beep beep beep beep beep.”
Both drivers appeared to escape serious injuries. The van driver seemed totally unscathed, but the senior citizen had been “banged up,” looking bloody and his elbow was bandaged up at the scene. The reader noted he was conscious and moving without much problem.
One ambulance, one police car, and an FDNY van were on the scene within about 10 minutes.