Call For Volunteers! Ditmas Park CSA May Not Happen This Year Without More Help


Neighbors, the Ditmas Park CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) needs our help.

The program that, for 20 weeks in the summer and fall, connects our community with vegetables, fruit, eggs, and more from a local farmer, may not happen at all this year if more people aren’t able to lend a hand and volunteer with the group that brings us much deliciousness.

Neighbor and CSA member Jonathan Sharp recently wrote in a letter to the community:

Unfortunately, the 2015 Ditmas Park CSA season is very close to being dead in the water. As you know, it takes a tremendous amount of volunteer time, effort and coordinating to make the CSA a reality. This year we are down to one core group member … and it really takes at least a dozen people to do a decent job with four or five people putting in some serious time. Usually by now, the core group is busy planning for the season but, without people, there is no planning.

But, as Jonathan said, this can be changed! We can still have as great a season as last year, “if there are enough people who care enough and work hard enough,” our neighbor wrote.

If you think you could lend a hand to keep the fruits and veggies coming to our neighborhood, you can email Jonathan at