Call Tim Cook: It’s Almost Apple Time

The Park Slope Food Coop Product blog, of which I can’t speak highly enough — and the produce notes! check out the produce notes! — has a lot of great info. And much of it (most of it?) is useful whether or not you’re doing a work shift every four weeks, because, let’s face it, seasons are seasons and draughts are draughts and if the Coop’s not stocking something for whatever reason, chances are it’s not going to be in great shape at Key Food, either.
Recently, they posted a seasonal guide to apples. I recently had a discussion on this topic with a friend who was shocked — shocked! — by the idea that fruits and vegetables are all on different calendars: an apple in October will probably be more delicious than a tomato in May?!
Here’s their anticipated line up. The dates have to do in part with the specific farmers who supply to the Coop, but presumably the general info is more or less applicable wherever you’re shopping. And useful! Because there is no reason to buy a not-so-great imported Pink Lady when it’s secretly local Honeycrisp season.