Buy Online Tickets For The Silent Horror Film Version Of ‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ Before Tuesday, October 14

For those of you who want to go see the 1925 silent horror film version of “The Phantom of the Opera,” accompanied by the internationally-acclaimed organist Todd Wilson, at Our Lady of Refuge Church (2020 Foster Avenue) next Friday, you’ll only be able to purchase tickets online (read: cheaper) through Tuesday, October 14.
Joe Vitacco, of Our Lady of Refuge Church, told us that the discounted online tickets (which are $15 each, compared to $20 at the door) will not be available after the evening of October 14. He added that they expect the crowd to be large for the event that will begin at 7:30pm on Friday, October 17.
If you want to buy tickets, you can go here, and for more information about the evening’s festivities, go here.
Photo via Wikimedia.