Buy “A Taste Of Sheepshead Bay” Tickets Online And Save Money!

Are you waiting to get your tickets to A Taste of Sheepshead Bay 2012 at the door? Well, don’t!

If you buy online, you save money over the door price!

Remember, it’s $25 online, and $35 at the door. Additionally, check-in should be that much quicker, so you won’t have to wait in a long line as people rifle through their wallets.

And with all that money you save, you can go buy something from one of A Taste of Sheepshead Bay’s participating restaurants over the weekend. Amazing!

Finally, studies show that people who buy tickets online are cooler, smarter, faster and stronger than all their friends combined. Sounds like you, right?

Buy tickets now.

(Find the full list of participating eateries and event details at the link above.)