Weekend Reading: Brooklyn Stories You May Have Missed

Image courtesy of Brooklyn Museum

After a busy week, here’s a chance to catch up on some of the news happening outside of our neighborhood! We’ve pulled together some of the most interesting recent stories from our sister sites.

Interfaith medical center gets $2M from NYS for primary and urgent care, and might be purchased by Northwell Health. [Fort Greene Focus]

Brooklyn Drones opens, inviting you to fly the friendly skies. [Park Slope Stoop]

Troubling allegations follow Bay Ridge’s new top cop. [Bensonhurst Bean]

Gun busts are on the rise in Sheepshead Bay as police step up search warrants to address the heroin epidemic. [Sheepshead Bites]

Fake Sunset Park lawyer who offered bogus immigration services gets 2-4 years. [Sunset Park Voice]

Throwback Thursday: Five historical treasures from the Pratt Institute Archives. [FGF]

Two victims stabbed in Prospect Park Wednesday Night but the suspect was arrested, police say. [PSS]

Surrealist artist Vincent Castiglia talks tattoos, bloodletting & growing up in Bensonhurst. [BB]

The Sandy recovery is driving up property taxes in coastal communities. [SB]