Brooklyn Public Library Seeks Donations

Back in May, Sheepshead Bites spoke up about the importance of neighborhood libraries as the city considered cutting a whopping $17.5 million dollars from the Brooklyn Public Library system. If those cuts passed, it would have ushered in a layoff of one of every six employees, reduced operational hours of most branches to five hours a day, five days a week, and caused a drop in available book, audio and video resources.

Luckily, with your help and the aid of countless others, the Brooklyn Public Library was able to stave off such a severe threat to its existence for at least another budget cycle.

But now a $7 million budget shortfall looms, and the Brooklyn Public Library is rattling the tin cup towards patrons. In an e-mail alert, the library writes:

2009 has been a challenging year for many Brooklynites. Through it all, Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) has seen a record number of people use our free resources and services to help them achieve their dreams. But, with a current budget shortfall of $7 million and the possibility of more cuts in the future, we need your help.
Please consider making a generous year-end gift to BPL. For a 2009 tax deduction, make your contribution by December 31.
Your gift will help BPL provide:
  • Free tutors and after-school programs
  • More than 600 workshops to help jobseekers
  • Books, DVDs, and literary and cultural programs for families
  • Computer and internet access for new Americans and those without home computers
Please donate online now. You can also make a donation by phone at (718) 230-2738.
Brooklynites depend on their libraries, and we rely on your support to help deliver the high quality library service that every Brooklyn resident needs and deserves.

During economic recession, libraries are an essential resource to a financial rebound. They provide education, career assistance, communication tools, and a center for community organizing. By giving space, internet access and job hunting tools, libraries serve many as both the soft pillow at the end of our deep plunge, and the ladder to getting us back up. Please consider supporting one of the United States’ largest library systems.