Brooklyn COVID-19 Numbers

The schools remain open as the city inches towards a 3% infection rate, based on 7-day averages.

According to the Governor, NYC’s infection rate on Monday was 2.9%. The New York state average just went up to 3.18%, and 29 people died of COVID-19 yesterday. Two of them were Brooklyn residents.

For Brooklyn, the rate was 2.3%, along with Manhattan, the lowest in the city, counting the Orange Zone. 17,493 Brooklyn residents got tested, and 404 tested positive. Our 7-day positivity is at 2.2%.

Speaking of the Orange Zone:

Data for the Brooklyn Yellow zone still has not been released, so it is hard to say whether the numbers in the Orange and Yellow are the same in Brooklyn.

Local councilmember is urging the Governor to lift the Orange zone restrictions: