Bring Bags Of Fall Leaves To Project LeafDrop Locations

The annual Project LeafDrop, where community gardens and other organizations collect leaves from neighbors to turn into compost, is now underway. If you’ve got a tree shedding its leaves into your area, once you’ve raked and bagged them into paper or clear plastic bags (just leaves — no branches, twigs, or trash), consider dropping them off at one of these nearby locations:

GreenSpace Native Plant Community Garden
4th Ave between Union and Sackett Sts
Accepting leaves on: Sunday, November 17 from 10am-12pm; Saturday, November 23 from 10am-12pm; and Saturday, December 7 from 1-3pm.

Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket
Prospect Park West at Flatbush Ave
Accepting bagged leaves and other household food scraps on Saturdays from 8am-3:30pm. Please bag leaves separately from food scraps.

Gowanus Canal Conservancy
The Salt Lot at 2 2nd Ave between 5th St and the Canal
Drop off bagged leaves 24/7! Bagged leaves can be left in two bins made from wood pallets outside the gate of the Salt Lot. Please bring leaves only, no food waste or trash.

6/15 Green
6th Ave at 15th St
Accepting leaves on the following Saturdays from 11am-1pm: November 16, 23, and 30, and December 7.

If your community garden or greening group would like to participate in Project LeafDrop 2013 and accept bagged, residential leaves or if you’d like to volunteer at a garden, check out the survey and registration info, which should be completed ASAP.