Brighton Man Arrested For Savagely Attacking His Barber

A Brighton Beach man turned on his Sheepshead Bay-based barber when he realized that the man who cuts his hair was carrying around some big bills. Brooklyn News reported that 35-year-old Joseph Tabaczek allegedly attacked and robbed the barber before being arrested.
The incident took place on June 30 on East 14th Street and Neptune Avenue, across the street from a barber shop. Tabaczek was smoking cigarettes with his barber and asked if he could borrow some money to go bet on races down at the Aqueduct Racetrack. The barber admitted to be carrying over $1,300 in cash but turned down Tabaczek’s request. Seeing the huge wad of cash that the barber was carrying, Tabaczek punched him several times in the head, grabbed the bills and ran.
Tabaczek was later tracked down by police with all the money stolen still in his pocket. He is being charged with assault and robbery.