Brighton Beach’s Alleged Spy Swindler Files Countersuit To Clear Name

Yehuda Sadok (Source: LinkedIn)

Yehuda Sadok, the Brighton Beach man accused of posing as an Israeli secret spy to swindle an elderly widow in an international jewelry deal, has filed a counter-suit against the widow’s daughters in an effort to clear his name.

Going by the moniker Oody Geffen, Sadok was accused by the widow’s daughters of romancing their wealthy, jewelry-dealing mother in order to get her to fork over $20 million worth of inventory for a shady deal with a Saudi sheikh.

The daughters’ suit said he claimed to be a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and dined with Robert DeNiro.

But now Sadok is saying it’s all hooey and the daughters are just bitter that they were written out of the will for being rotten to their mother.

The New York Post reports:

But Sadok denies to Page Six that he ever claimed to be a Mossad agent, and says he met Martin through a mutual friend and ex-FBI agent who asked him to track down an Israeli who’d stolen $1 million in jewels from her. They became friends when he recovered $850,000 of the gems.
“She was a lovely, simple . . . lady who was like my grandmother,” Sadok said. He added that Martin confided she had “two spoiled daughters” she’d lavished with “the best schools, the best clothes,” but they’d “become ‘two devils.’ They were very mean and rude to their mother.”
… Sadok also denied he ever said he was pals with Russian leader Putin (“I wish I was”), or that he claimed to know Robert De Niro, as the suit alleges. He contends that a friend who was a regular on “The Sopranos” was casting a film and trying to get De Niro for a role, and that he’d introduced that TV actor to Martin at her office. “That’s how they got this idea I was a producer,” Sadok said, “and came [up] with this nonsense about De Niro, [who] I never met in my life.”