BRIC TV Features Babysitter Who Saved Her Child, Lost Her Leg, And Now Needs A Home And Childcare

Film by Steve de Sève of BRIC TV.
Please note all information about fundraising and awareness is located at the bottom of this article.
It’s an all too familiar fear that haunts parents in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York City — virtually anywhere on the planet. A miscalculated swerve, a driver not paying attention, or perhaps something even worse that could result in a debilitating injury or even death of a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle.
Unfortunately, that fear became a nighmarish reality for a parent with very close ties to Park Slope — and she is in need of help.
Charlotte Nurse, who has babysat for the children of Park Slope’s Shannah and Gavin Hewitt, was involved in an incident on May 16. She was struck by a teenager who had stolen a car, ran through a red light, and “[ran] over Charlotte while she and her son were crossing the street with the right of way,” according to their gofundme page.
In the midst of all this, she successfully pushed her son out of the path of danger.
The incident took place at the intersection of Remsen Avenue and Rutland Road in Crown Heights.
“I just saw her body roll out from underneath the car,” said eyewitness Eric Wiseman on the BRIC TV BK Stories segment filmed by Steve de Sève. “So we heard somebody yelling ‘Baby! Baby’ and when we looked around, there was a baby carriage in the curb. But it was compressed — and we didn’t think anything was in it. But when we lifted it up, the baby was inside with not a scratch; he wasn’t crying or anything.”

Charlotte’s injuries are severe, resulting in an amputated leg, a smashed pelvis, and several fractured vertebra, according to the gofundme page.
“Honestly I don’t even know when I got hit,” said Charlotte, who de Sève filmed in her hospital room. “All I remember was waking up with some tubes in my mouth and not being able to talk and being so frustrated. And the first thing I had to ask was, ‘Where’s my son?'”
“My two-year-old, he’s the love of my life. If I didn’t have him, I don’t think I would have been able to fight so long and be here,” she said. “He’s my only son, and I think dreaming of him is what really kept me going […] I’m happy that it was me who got the impact and not him.”
“My first thought was ‘What can try to do to help?” said Gavin Hewitt. “That’s when we stepped in […] to try to get the community involved to help support her through these times.” The Hewitts set up the page in order to do so.

According to de Sève, “she is losing her home over the months she was hospitalized, and has not seen her son since the accident.”
“The focus right now is to prepare her for a prosthetic leg so that she can once again walk with her child and work to earn a living.” writes the Hewitts.
The gofundme page has already raised over $32,000 for Charlotte and her son Mikey.
“I don’t want to be bed bound. Even if I have to crawl to do what I have to do, and I can’t do that right now. This is my main concern — what’s next and what’s going to happen to me and my son,” says Charlotte.
According to Shannah Hewitt, her family is trying to “bring awareness to various communities she was plugged into and just make it about her recovery and providing for Michael, her two-year-old son who’s a very busy toddler, who needs diapers and food and care while she’s recovering.”
Here’s what you can do to help. Donate via Charlotte and her son’s gofundme page. Share the Facebook link with others to provide information about their story. Share this Tweet about Charlotte’s story.