Brennan Starts Petition to Protest School Budget Cuts

Assemblymember Jim Brennan has set up a petition asking Governor Cuomo to “restore the money cut from the school budget and give our children back $250 million in funding that is being taken away this school year and insist that there be no additional cuts next year.” It reads:

Don’t hold 2012-2013 and 2012-2014 New York City School funding hostage to the teacher/principal rating system. It is wrong to penalize New York City school children because the failed collective bargaining process prevented an agreement from being reached in time. Halt mid-year budget cuts, reinstate last year’s increase into New York City’s base aid, and ensure next year’s funding!

You can see the petition and sign it online here.

If you’d like to learn more about potential cuts, Brennan is holding a forum in Kensington next week.