BREAKING: Some People Like Working Their Coop Shifts More Than Other People

Everyone loves a good PSFC story, but in the months since the Coop’s potential Israeli boycott was shot down, there hasn’t been a whole lot to report. But the media is working on it, you guys, and they are going to squeeze out another Coop story one way or another, because nothing generates page views like some granola gossip. (I am no different! I am an avid consumer of both Coop produce and Coop media!)

And by gosh, they’ve done it! Sort of. The Atlantic Wire got their hands on the latest issue of PSFC’s Linewaiters’ Gazette and picked up a story about the way families handle the division of coop labor (shopping vs. work shifts, etc.). They don’t really have a lot to add  — the piece in the Gazette pretty much covers it — but it’s another hard-to-resist opportunity to gaze at ourselves in the national media. And because obviously I cannot resist, I’m posting about it here.