Boardwalk Empire and the Flatbush Reformed Church

Boardwalk Empire and the Flatbush Reformed Church

HBO’s Boardwalk Empire will be back filming around Church Ave and East 21st St on Tuesday, May 1, with parking restrictions beginning Monday night at 10pm. They’ll be shooting at the Flatbush Reformed Church, which has appeared in the show a few times before–you can see the inside of the meeting hall at about 3:43 in the video above.

Last night at the 70th Precinct Community Council meeting (which we’ll have an update about later on) the church’s Reverend Dan Ramm mentioned that he thinks it’s really neat to see the space in the show, and that he’s glad to have the cast and crew around on occasion. “And I’m grateful nothing nasty has happened in here on the show!” he joked.

Of course, the church isn’t the only place in the area where the show has been filmed. Have you ever spotted our neighborhood in an episode?