Blue Bottle Says Genie Will Finally Be Let Out This Fall

Right on the heels of our recent large mug of caffeine announcements, Blue Bottle Coffee is planning to join Park Slope this Fall.
A spokesperson told us the company is “aiming” for an opening in the next few months. Construction workers have now become a daily presence at their future digs (203 7th Avenue, corner of 3rd Street).
Blue Bottle plans to join Everyman Espresso, Uptown Roasters, and a new Starbucks as the newest caffeinated neighbors.
For those of you raising an eyebrow about whether the target opening will come to fruition, you are in good company. We’ve been waiting. And waiting. And…you get the idea.
Last summer, the California-based coffee roasters listed Park Slope barista jobs on their website. Those listings have since been taken down.

Last October, a Blue Bottle spokesperson said they were “currently looking at late winter [early 2016] for the opening of Park Slope.”
At the time, Aaron Paylo, Director of Retail Development, told Park Slope Stoop, “Blue Bottle Coffee is excited open our doors in Park Slope. There are still many steps that need to take place in order to make it a reality, but we’re very excited about joining the community.”
Their other Brooklyn cafes are located at 85 Dean Street (at Smith Street) in Boerum Hill and 160 Berry Street (between North 4th and North 5th Streets in Williamsburg.