Blue Bloods Filming On Ditmas Avenue Thursday

The CBS cop procedural Blue Bloods, featuring Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg, was supposed to be filming in the area earlier this week but has rescheduled its shoot and is now filming all day on Thursday.
The production team has reserved parking on:
- Ditmas Avenue between E. 17th and E. 19th streets
- E. 18th Street between Ditmas and Newkirk avenues
- Newkirk Avenue between Marlborough Road and E. 17th Street
- Marlborough Road between Newkirk and Foster avenues
- E. 16th Street between Newkirk and Foster avenues.
So make sure to move your cars before 10pm Wednesday night and watch out if you have plans to be in Newkirk Plaza on Thursday.
If you catch a glimpse of the film shoot, feel free to share photos with us. Neighbor Mike Wright sent in a few photos from The Blacklist filming on Tuesday.

If you have any problems, contact the Location Department at 718-349-2054. And, as always, if you spot any signs for filming around the neighborhood, let us know! Email us a photo of the filming sign and where you saw it to, and we’ll post it to the blog.