Blue Bloods Filming Around Ditmas Avenue Next Week

Blue Bloods Filming Around Ditmas Avenue Next Week
blue bloods filming

CBS-NY really can’t get enough of our area this week! First there’s Unforgettable, then a segment for Live From the Couch with Lloyd H. Miller at Lark, and now Blue Bloods is set to film around the neighborhood on Tuesday. We spotted these signs on the southern half of E 17th Street, as well as along Ditmas Avenue from E 16th to E 18th Streets.

Blue Bloods is a drama in its fourth season. Starring Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, and Tom Selleck, the show centers around a family of New York cops.

Neighbors are being asked to move their cars by 10pm on Monday, October 21. If your car is moved, call location manager Smith at 718-349-2054.