Bishop Ford High School Closing Its Doors In June

After 52 years on 19th Street, Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School will close at the end of the current school year.

Principal Thomas Arria posted an open letter to parents after the conclusion of an emergency meeting by the school’s board of directors.

“In its decision,” Arria wrote, “the board of directors cited declining enrollment and a facility in need of repair as the principal reasons for the closing.

“In recent years,” he continued, “the school population has shrunk dramatically.  There has not been a sufficient revenue stream other than tuition, which alone cannot support the operation. Thus, it was determined that, despite Herculean efforts on the part of many people, the school was just not sustainable.”

According to the school’s website, Bishop Ford has lost 72% of its student population since 2006.

“Our greatest concern is for our current students and we are committed to making the transition for them to other schools for the next school year as smooth as possible,” said Arria. “To that end, we have asked that other Catholic high schools in the area give special consideration to Bishop Ford students who may be enrolling next school year.

“We intend to meet with each family,” he added, “to ensure that students are placed in a school environment which will best meet their academic and personal needs.”

Do we have any Bishop Ford families out there? Did the closure come as a surprise, or was this expected news? What are your plans for the 2014-2015 school year?