Bensonhurst rallies to support Bridget’s girls

One year ago they lost their father Pedro DeLeon to cancer. On Mothers day they lost their mom, and now the 8 year old Olivia and 9 year old Gabriella will be raised by their 26 year old brother Anthony Papa. “Bridget DeLeon was one of the kindest persons I’ve ever met. Always willing to help, with a big smile on her face, I can’t remember her saying a single bad word about anyone.
She was always the first one to volunteer in her daughters’ school and imagining community without her is simply impossible,” a fellow parent Polina Bulman wrote on the Go Fund me page set up for the girls who attend Success Academy Bensonhurst.
The goal was to raise $50,000, and in a few days the community has raised over $40,000 to help with expenses, current and future. Any amount helps, and you can contribute here.
The funeral was on May 19th, and the day before, friends and neighbors sat in the office of Inna Fershteyn, a local Trust and Will lawyer who did not hesitate to donate her services upon hearing of the tragedy that had befallen this family. Even the girls’ dentist, Dr Leona Kotlyar was there, promising to look after their dental health pro bono, so their brother could strike that worry off the list. The topic – the future of Olivia and Gabriella. Their brother Anthony will be their guardian, and the girls will live with him. All the money raised will go into the trust.
Ms. Fershteyn has set up the trust that was discussed in the video below, called Bridget’s Girls 2018 Irrevocable Trust. Why the video – the hope is that being incredibly transparent will help raise as much money as possible to help secure the future of the girls.
If you would like to send a check, it should be made out to: Bridget’s Girls 2018 Irrevocable Trust.
Checks can be mailed or brought to either:
Dr. Leona Kotlyar
1512 Avenue Z
Brooklyn, NY 11235
The Law Offices of Inna Fershteyn
1517 Voorhies Ave, Suite 4
Brooklyn, NY 11235
It is unclear what caused Bridget’s death, but the girls are now orphans and need our help.