Beloved Pediatric Specialist Now Seeing Patients in Brooklyn

Efram Zuller has made a name for himself in the medical field, specifically in pediatrics, due to the high-quality of care he provides. We sat down with him to talk about everything from what drew him to medicine to what the future holds for this rising star.

You have become a well-known name for providing medical care in the community, what made you decide to enter this profession?
Efram Zuller, NP: I’m a people person and I have always been fascinated by medicine. The combination of the two enticed me to work in an environment that helps people on a daily basis. I have always had an interest in the medical field, so I began working and volunteering as an EMT in New York City and abroad. Dealing with many different types of people in different environments, emergency and non-emergency, taught me a lot about caring for people when they’re in distress. That stage of my life confirmed my belief that this is where my future should be.
It is obvious that you have found your niche in the medical field, what inspired you to become a nurse practitioner specifically?
EZ: My experience as an EMT gave me a lot of insight into the nursing world, and I decided to pursue a career as a registered nurse. After graduating, I spent several years working in Maimonides Medical Center’s adult and pediatric emergency departments where I honed my skills and transitioned from pre-hospital to emergency care. After working there for a few years, I realized that I wanted to advance professionally in order to make more of an impact in a patient’s care. Becoming a nurse practitioner enabled me to oversee patient’s medical needs on a bigger scale. Through my career practicing medicine, I have seen and worked in many medical facilities. Quality First Urgent Care has been a great fit for me because it allows me to use my emergency room skills and experience while also caring for families and communities who have less critical needs addressed.
Quality First Urgent Care sees patients of all ages with varied medical problems, what makes you a significant member of the team?
EZ: At QFUC, I am the pediatric specialist. I have been working in the pediatric emergency setting for a long time, in the ER and community, and it has given me extensive experience seeing very sick children. I utilize these skills at QFUC and provide emergency room care right here in the clinic. Many parents have become patients here themselves after witnessing the great care we provided to their children.
Many parents come to QFUC and ask for you specifically, where did your interest in pediatrics come from?
EZ: Working with pediatrics is a unique experience, most people find it to be a love/hate relationship. Not everyone can deal with the pediatric population. Working in Maimonides pediatric ED for over six years, I witnessed many sad moments. However, there is no greater joy of sense of fulfillment than helping children and their family during a crisis. I enjoy working in QFUC because it gives me an opportunity to see many pediatric patients with varying ages and diagnosis.
Besides for working at QFUC, how do you spend your free time?
EZ: As a Hatzolah member, a local volunteer ambulance company, I am on call 24/7. I am passionate about volunteering as an EMT because it provides an essential service to the Brooklyn community and allows me to see many patients in their home when they need me the most. I also make an effort to give back to the nursing profession and community by teaching undergraduate nursing students at the NYU School of Nursing. Besides for this, I enjoy spending my free time with my family and friends, as well as bike riding and going to Rangers games.

How is working at QFUC different than working anywhere else?
EZ: It is enjoyable to work in an environment that is dedicated to providing top quality care to all patients. The complexity and variety of patient cases keep me enthusiastic about the medical care I give. We see a lot of patients without primary care doctors that we are able to transition to our care and see them on a regular basis, as well as regular urgent care visits. I enjoy the opportunity to teach the various students that we host during their clinical rotations.
What is the best part about providing medical care to the Brooklyn community?
EZ: Brooklyn is a unique place to work because it involves seeing a variety of cultures living together in a small area, each bringing their own unique lifestyle and culture. Treating patients in the community gives me an opportunity to observe people’s cultures and witness the way culture affects the way different patients perceive medicine and medical care. This insight enables me to become culturally sensitive to different people’s views when it comes to living healthier lives. However, no matter the ethnicity or religion, Brooklynites share a common mentality of hustle and bustle and getting things done quickly. QFUC understands this and all of the staff is dedicated to fast care without compromising efficiency or safety.
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