Behind The Scenes At Sean Casey Animal Rescue

About once a year, someone writes a really nice story about the fantastic Sean Casey Animal Rescue, and the most recent example is no exception. A woman who adopted Otis the dog from the shelter on East 3rd Street shared her, and Sean’s, story this week on Narratively, explaining a bit of his adoption process/sales pitch:
One of our references reported that after he’d satisfactorily answered Casey’s perfunctory questions about us—“Would they be good dog owners?” and “Can they afford the vet?”—Casey asked him, “You want a dog?”
She goes on to explain how he and his staff are incredibly dedicated (he doesn’t give out his cell phone number, but people manage to call him on it all the time anyway, and he takes it in stride), about how much it costs to run the operation (medical costs alone were estimated at $15,000/month in 2012), and about how his interest in reptiles grew into helping any and all animals, “so long as he has room.” Well worth a read.
And as she notes in the piece, about 20-30 people head to the shelter every day to walk one of its dogs. Anyone can volunteer, just drop by the space on E 3rd between Caton and Ft Hamilton — SCAR is open daily from 11am to 7pm.
Photo of Sean and Ghost Dog by Jessica Bal/Narratively