Bay Ridge Dems Endorse Seminara, McCreight & Reichard

Bay Ridge Democrats, a progressive political club that serves southwest Brooklyn, announced its club endorsements for the 2016 election cycle in a press release yesterday.
In two primary races, the club unanimously endorsed incumbent Joanne Seminara for Female Democratic District Leader in the 64th Assembly District and Chris McCreight for Male Democratic District Leader in the 46th Assembly District. Both district leader elections will take place on September 13.
Bay Ridge Democrats spox Jamie Kemmerer said Seminara’s endorsement came down to her unrivaled service to the community and her work to make the executive board of the Democratic Party more transparent.
“Joanne has been fighting on behalf of Bay Ridge for over three decades. She is unique because she sees politics purely as a means to an end which is service,” said Kemmerer. “From her early days as a parent organizer at P.S.185, where her two children attended, to her nearly 20 years serving as a member of Community Board 10, Joanne has been an outspoken and unflagging advocate for our neighborhood.”
Joanne is being challenged for the district leader seat by Betty Anne Canizio — the Board Of Elections (BOE) official who was suspended in the aftermath of the purge of registered Brooklyn voters prior to New York’s presidential primary.
Democratic 46th Assembly District Leader Mark Davidovich recently announced he is retiring from politics — opening the door for Councilman Mark Treyger and McCreight to seek the position.
Kemmerer said club members were similarly unanimous in their endorsement of McCreight.
“Everyone agreed that Chris has been working as a district leader for many years without the title, but what really energized the club was his commitment to ethics and campaign finance reform,” he said. “Chris often says that Democrats would be more successful if they could be the party focused on ending systemic corruption at all levels and not just the party with the best policy ideas. Club members wholeheartedly agree with that. Our club favors candidates who are already doing the job they are seeking and that’s Chris.”
The club also strongly endorsed Richard Reichard for New York’s 11th Congressional District, a position currently held by Republican and former Staten Island District Attorney Congressman Daniel Donovan.
Bay Ridge Democrats President Justin Brannan noted that these endorsements are in line with the club’s mission.
“This may come as a shock to some other Democratic clubs, but our club actually supports Democrats. Roots, beliefs and results matter here so our endorsements are never symbolic,” said Brannan. “If we endorse you it means we will stand by you, work to get you on the ballot and do everything we can to get you elected. Our endorsement is more than just the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and our record speaks for itself.”
In the coming month, the Bay Ridge Democrats will be focused on the petitioning process to help Seminara and McCreight get on the ballot. After that, the club will organize phone banks and canvass operations on behalf of both campaigns.
The Bay Ridge Democrats say they are looking to extend their impressive record in primary campaigns. So far, every candidate the club has endorsed has been victorious in the September primary.
In other Bay Ridge political news, Bay Ridge-ite and Bay Ridge Democrats member Kate Cucco recently announced her candidacy for the 46th Assembly seat held by Assemblywoman Pamela Harris. Previously, Cucco was chief of staff to Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny, who resigned last summer, prompting a special election.