Batter Up! Register Now For Spring Baseball In Brooklyn

It might feel like the frozen tundra out there, but spring baseball will be here before we know it. If your future Yankee is already dusting off their cleats, note that many of the Brooklyn leagues have started registration for the 2016 season.
78th Precinct Youth Council Baseball
What: Co-ed baseball for ages 4-17 (age as of 4/30/2016) and girls softball for ages 8-15 (age as of 4/30/2016).
Season: Tentatively April 2 to mid/late June (depending on the division).
Cost: $150-$210 (depending on the division).
Registration Deadline: January 19 (late registration is available for an additional fee)
St. Francis Xavier Youth Baseball
What: Co-ed baseball for ages 4-17 (age as of 4/30/2016) and girls softball for ages 5-15 (age as of 4/30/2016).
Season: Opening Day will take place in early April. Official schedule will be set late winter.
Cost: $80-$230 (depending on the division).
Registration Deadline: January 31 (late registration is available for $30 fee)
Kings Bay Youth Baseball
What: Co-ed baseball for ages 4-14 (age as of May 1)
Season: Opening Day will take place on April 10.
Cost: $100-$300 (depending on the division).
Registration Deadline: Open
Brooklyn Baseball Association Spring & Summer Tryouts
What: Competitive baseball for ages 8-16.
Tryout Location: South Shore High School (6565 Flatlands Ave, btwn Glenwood Rd and Flatlands Ave)
Tryout Dates: Sunday, January 21 and Sunday, January 31. Check in will be at 11:30am on the 2nd floor in front of the main gym. Tryouts begin at noon.
Registration Details: Email if you plan to attend tryouts. Include your full name, phone number, email address, and where your child played last spring/summer.
Have we missed any other Brooklyn league registrations? Share the details in the comments below.