Barclays Gets Greenmarket Starting Next Wednesday

Starting next Wednesday and running weekly through the end of November, a new Greenmarket from GrowNYC will set up outside of the Barclays Center, on the Flatbush Avenue side of the arena. It will be open from 8am to 4pm.
Market Manager Tali Biale tells us we can expect cooking demonstrations, free recipes, and family friendly activities at the new Greenmarket’s information tent. We’ll keep you posted on what she’s got planned!
Here’s what you’ll find:
American Seafood Wildcaught fish and shellfish from Suffolk County, NY
Apple State Hilltop Family Farm Honey from Sullivan County, NY
Artisan Oven, Central Bakery Breads and baked goods from Bergen County, NJ
Body and Soul Bakery Baked goods from King’s County, NY
Goodale Farm Vegetables and dairy from Suffolk County, NY
Jersey Farm Produce Vegetables, herbs, and small fruit from Hunterdon County, NJ
John D Madura Farm Vegetables from Orange County, NY
Rick’s Picks Pickled vegetables from Dutchess County, NY
Terhune Orchard Orchard fruit from Dutchess County, NY
WIC and FMNP checks will be accepted at individual farmer stands, and EBT/food stamps/debit/credit will be accepted at the market’s info tent.