Attention Photographers: Brighton Beach BID Announces “Brighton Beach Pictured” Photo Contest

The Brighton Beach Business Improvement District (BID) invites all area shutterbugs to participate in “Brighton Beach Pictured,” a photography competition and exhibition focused on Brighton Beach.
According to the Brighton Beach BID, photographers entering the competition should aim to submit photos that capture the people, spirit, culture, ambiance, excitement and uniqueness of the Brighton Beach area and community.
Photographers may submit up to five images. There is no entry fee.
To enter, go to the contest site, Brighton Beach Pictured, and follow the instructions for registering and uploading images. Images should be jpegs, 72 dpi no larger than 1000 pixels on the largest side.
The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2013.
The project will culminate in an exhibition in January 2014 that will be held at a venue in the community.
Judging will be in two stages. The panel, made up of photographers Robert Lobe, and Gregory LeShay and Brooklyn Community Board 13 District Manager Charles Reichenthal, will choose the photographs for the exhibition. Pratt Institute Photography Professor Ellen Wallenstein will select the winning photographs that are exhibited.
Cash awards of $500, $300 and $150 will be given to the top three photographs.
There are no restrictions on subject matter, but since the exhibition will be held in a community venue, overtly sexual images cannot be accepted.