Attend “Our Journeys, Our Stories” This Sunday

The Interfaith Committee of the East Midwood Jewish Center and Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church will hold “Our Journeys, Our Stories,” an event celebrating the lives and travels of recent immigrants to the United States, this Sunday, April 14. The event is at 4-6pm at the East Midwood Jewish Center, 1625 Ocean Ave. (near Ave. K). The organization says:
The story tellers, all members of the two congregations, are from Belize, Egypt, Haiti, Hungary, Mexico and Russia. They will tell why they left their native countries and describe their experiences and those of their families in adjusting to their new lives in a new country.
As we discussed earlier in the week, Ditmas Park’s population is one of the most diverse in Brooklyn–and East Midwood isn’t far behind. Visit “Our Journeys, Our Stories,” on Sunday to hear some incredible narratives and learn more about our neighbors in the borough.