Are The Parade Ground Security Cameras Broken?

A concerned neighbor recently posted a photo of security cameras at the Prospect Park Parade Ground looking like they’ve seen better days. While it’s unclear whether the cameras are altogether broken as suggested in the post, they’re certainly not in the seemingly-more functional positions they were last summer.
If you remember, the cameras were only installed in April 2011 following community outcry over the death of Julio Locarno and other violent incidents at the Parade Ground. With continued violence in the area including the murder of 19 year-old Jeffrey Jeune, New York ramping up security city-wide after the Boston Marathon, and a slew of summer events approaching in Prospect Park, we’re sincerely hoping one of the cameras was only bumped, and that they are being properly maintained to help keep the area safe.
We are reaching out to the 70th Precinct, local politicians, and others instrumental in getting the cameras installed, and will keep you posted as we find out more.
Photo by waywardcourier