Apply Today: The New American Academy Charter School

Courtesy of The New American Academy Charter School

In 2013 The New American Academy Charter School (TNAACS) opened our doors in East Flatbush, NY to provide school choice to families with students in elementary school.

Our mission to “Empower learners, Inspire Leaders to make this a better world”.

The model of our school was developed at the Harvard Urban Superintendent Program (USP) by a cohort of six high-achieving principals and was described as “the relationship school” by David Brooks of The New York Times. At TNAACS our teachers work within mastery-based teaching teams that loop with their students from kindergarten to second grade and from third grade to fifth grade. The collaborative learning and leadership emphasize small-group activity and peer-to-peer learning. By problem-solving as a team, students learn the value of confidence, voice, critical thinking, self-awareness, and communication. This provides students with the skills they need to succeed in the world. Having the teachers loop with their classes over many years allows for the development of trust and meaningful relationships among students, parents and their teaching teams.

At TNAACS we focus on community-wide H.E.A.R.T.S values to ensure that our students reach their goals. Humility, Empowerment, Aspiration, Responsibility, Teamwork and Scholarship helps us develop and nurture a unique culture to ensure our students are good stewards in their school community and the community at large. It is looking out for “number two” before “number one” that allows our students to work together and problem solve as a team.

All of our teachers attend a 5-week summer training course and have continuous daily coaching by a Master Teacher. TNAACS is also a partner school with Columbia University & Teachers College Lucy Calkins Reading and Writing Program. Literacy coaches visit our school over 20 times a year and provide training to our teachers. Additional partnerships include: Aussie Math Coach, Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, and PriceWaterHouseCooper Creative Coding workshop. We are always looking to have the students explore the opportunities around them.

To learn more about our school please contact Lisa Watkins at

Visit The New American Academy Charter School YouTube Channel to hear what our families have to say about our school.

This post was provided by The New American Academy Charter School (TNAACS). If you would like to reach our readers, please contact us.