Apply To Be A Community Board Member! Applications Due Next Week

Are you passionate about engaging in significant decisions in your community? Do you have opinions about real estate development, educational institutions, city-wide policies, and the future of our neighborhood?
If you are a New York City Resident and passionate about the above, consider applying to become a Community Board Member. In order to qualify, you need to live in, work in, or have a professional interest in the board’s district to apply. Applications are due by February 15, 2016.
Community Board Members shoulder a serious responsibility, and the Borough President appoints all board members. The duties of a member — including healthy doses of time, energy, and effort — are both significant and satisfying.
Our neighborhood is represented by Community Board 15, which deals with issues related to Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach, Kings Bay, Gerritsen Beach, Kings Highway, East Gravesend, Madison, Homecrest, and Plumb Beacheepshead Bay.
Board members serve a voluntary two-year staggered term commitment. There are over 18 community boards in Brooklyn with 50 non-salaried members on each board.
You can access the application online, or contact Councilman Chaim Deutsch to take the next step towards membership. In addition, you can inquire about more information by contacting the Borough President’s Office at 718-802-3700.