Apply for a Grow to Learn Mini-Grant

Does your child’s school have a garden, or have you been thinking of creating one? When registered with Grow to Learn, your school becomes eligible for a mini-grant of between $500 and $2,000 to expand, or if you don’t have one, start your school garden.

According to the Grow to Learn website:

Grant applications are accepted from New York City public and charter schools who have also registered with Grow to Learn.
We recognize that school garden programs come in many sizes, shapes, and locations including classrooms, schoolyards, rooftops, and partnerships with urban farms or community gardens, all of which are eligible to apply for grants.

Interested? The application deadline is November 1. Visit the Grow to Learn website or call 212-788-7923 for more information.

Photo of the PS 10 Butterfly Garden by the Park Slope Civic Council