Precinct Crime At Record Low, Cops Celebrate With Italian Sandwich Feast

Capt Kenneth Quick, 66 Precinct Commander, reviewing the meeting’s agenda with Council President Mark Katz, Treasurer Kazi Hossain, and Vice President Felix Burgos, Jr. (Photo by Jole Carliner/Kensington BK)

The 66 Precinct Community Council held their last meeting of the year Thursday, December 19 at Community Board 12’s offices on 13th Avenue, and the cops were in a holiday mood. The meeting room’s “sideboard” was overloaded with a variety of triple-decker Italian sandwiches (a benefit of  Detective Mike Milici’s surveillance of the local food scene), while the front-office area featured Kosher dishes.

Capt Quick congratulates Anti-Crime Unit officer Tomasz Pulawski for his November Cop of the Month award. (Photo by Jole Carliner/KensingtonBK)

After the usual introduction of visiting elected officials, their representatives, and other notables — including the first ever appearance of a Civilian Complaint Review Board inspector — Captain Quick said the Precinct will probably end up beating last year’s crime record low by three percent.

“We’re employing our resources in the right area,” Captain Quick said. “It has the greatest impact on robberies, burgs (burglaries), and grand larcenies.” He went on to point out that when you catch the right person, “the pattern subsides.”

For example, Quick said, the other day on 8th Avenue, the Anti-Crime Unit busted a purse snatcher on a street rife with purse snatchings and robberies. Although the investigation continues, for the moment there have been no further incidents.

The 28-day stats show 66th Precinct felonies down 21.8 percent overall. For the year, all categories are down except for murder, rape, and felonious assault.