1 min read

Another Accident On Oriental Boulevard

Following two severe accidents yesterday, including one that involved pedestrians, another accident happened at the same intersection. Manhattan Beach Community Group posted this item on their website:

After two accidents yesterday which involved up to 4 people going to the hospital, we have been notified that another accident has happened. This morning a motorcyclist exiting Kingsborough Community Hospital hit a car making a turn onto Mackenzie St. That is the same corner as the first accident from yesterday. The motorcyclist flew over the car and has been taken to Coney Island Hospital.
The weather is getting warmer and the younger people that visit our community are being tempted to speed. This must be addressed. The MBCG has been bringing up the dangerous situation on Oriental Blvd. for years and with urgency the last 6 months. This includes the zebra stripes, concrete planters and speeding. All accidents in the last 24 hours involved KCC students.

Can Kingsborough Community College do more to ensure safety along Oriental Boulevard? If so, what – and when will they take charge?