Annual Apple Pie Bake-Off At The Cortelyou Greenmarket This Sunday – Sign Up To Compete Before Saturday Night

This Sunday, the Cortelyou Greenmarket will be hosting its annual apple pie bake-off! Come to the market information tent at 11:30am to taste your neighbors’ pies featuring local apples – and vote for your favorite (while pies last!). The winning baker will get a bag of market goodies to take home.
If you would like to compete, there is still time to sign up. Contact the market manager, Emily Winkler-Morey, at before 8pm this Saturday, Nov. 15 to throw your name in the ring.
The Cortelyou Greenmarket runs year-round on Sundays, 8am to 3pm, on Cortelyou Road between Argyle and Rugby Roads. For more info, find the greenmarket on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.