Amusement Area Is Thriving But What About The Rest Of Coney?

According to the Epoch Times, a new report released by State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli says that the area which includes both Brighton Beach and Coney Island is experiencing a Renaissance of sorts. The study has the southernmost part of Brooklyn showing some strong economic numbers.
The Comptroller complimented the area’s immigrant population for contributing to the comeback.
From Epoch Times:
“The great strength of these neighborhoods are the people who live in these neighborhoods,” said DiNapoli at a press conference held at The New York Aquarium at Coney Island on Tuesday. “Nearly half of the residents in this area are immigrants. … Most of the families come from Ukraine and Russia.”
But some residents say the cheerful landscape officials like DiNapoli are describing doesn’t show the whole picture.
“What has the city really done for the poor people of Coney Island?” asked Martin Novitsky, who was born and raised on Coney Island, in a telephone interview. “It’s really sad, because people are talking about the great renovation of Coney Island. … The real truth is their (sic) renovating Brighton Beach.”
Another aspect of the area that often gets glossed over is its ethnic makeup. Contrary to popular belief, the area comprising Coney Island and Brighton Beach is only about 20% Russian and actually contains more African Americans, according to local assemblyman and immigrant from the former Soviet Union Alec Brook-Krasney.
In the article, life-long resident Novitsky says Brighton Beach and Coney Island should be kept separate statistically, “in order to avoid misleading anybody.” He thinks the attention might benefit the more blighted parts of Coney Island.
(Novitsky)…notices all of the economic development is happening near the affluent part of Coney Island, near the beaches, while he thinks “the right thing to do would be to bring economic development to the heart of Coney Island.”
Local officials say that plans for the future of Southern Brooklyn’s beaches, which have yet to include long-neglected parts of Coney Island, are far from complete.
“There’s still a lot more that needs to be done,” said Councilman Domenic M. Recchia Jr. “We are addressing the needs of the community.”
Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasney represents the 46th Assembly District, which includes parts of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Coney Island and Brighton Beach.
Councilman Domenic Recchia represents Council District 47, which includes Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Gravesend, as well as part of Bensonhurst. He also serves as Chairman of the City Council’s Finance Committee.