All You Need To Know About The Gowanus Whole Foods

A lot of details about the gargantuan Whole Foods Market‘s Gowanus location, at 214 3rd Street at 3rd Avenue, have been coming out in dribs and drabs, so we’ve rounded them all up into one handy list. Whether you’re looking forward to shopping, just curious about drinking at another place with a view of the Gowanus Canal, or planning on avoiding it all together, here’s everything you need to know:
• Opening day is Tuesday, December 17.
• It’s 56,000-square-foot space that will have a 20,000 square-foot rooftop greenhouse.
• At a 2nd floor indoor/outdoor tap room and restaurant The Roof, they’ll have local beers and eats.
• The best food may come from an in-store take-out venue from super ramen chef Yuji Hariguchi.
• They’ll sell exclusive desserts like banana cream pie from the guys behind Frankies Spuntino.
• The covered parking lot will accommodate 250 cars.
• The store will employ about 300 people, and they estimate about 90% will live in Brooklyn.
• Partnering with Arts Gowanus, the store will be decorated with art by locals, DNAinfo learned.
• The landmarked Coignet Building on the corner remains for sale.
They’ve got active Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, plus a Tumblr, so for additional info leading up to the opening date, that’s where to look.