After CAMBA's Successful Turkey Drive, Local Families Have A Happy Thanksgiving

Since we bombarded you with CAMBA Thanksgiving Turkey Drive posts before Thanksgiving, we thought it was only fair to show you what you all helped the local non-profit agency achieve!

Thanks to your incredibly generous donations and help spreading the word, we not only met our goal of raising $10,000 to provide turkey dinners to hundreds of local families–we surpassed it by more than $400.

CAMBA’s Jonathan Berk sent over some photos from the turkey distribution, as well as clients’ and the organization’s own thanks.

CAMBA client Elizabeth (left) was thrilled to receive her turkey. “This is so great,” she told the organization. “A lot of unfortunate families have no food, and it’s especially hard with children.”

Elizabeth said her recipe this year would include garlic, paprika, cumin, lemon, pepper, and sea salt.

Heidi, a former resident of CAMBA’s Broadway House women’s shelter who recently moved into her first apartment, was on hand to pick up her turkey, too.

A part-time worker who is preparing to go to college, Heidi found her food budget was lacking after recent cuts to SNAP–but last Thursday, she hosted her first Thanksgiving dinner in years, with guests including her son, other relatives, and current shelter residents.

And as for reactions from CAMBA? “We’re thrilled here too,” says Jonathan. “Thank you for all you put into it.”

You can check out more photos from the turkey pickup, including Beyond Hunger Emergency Food Pantry Coordinator Lucila Santana bringing holiday cheer to hundreds of CAMBA clients, here–and if you want to keep the good feeling rolling, remember CAMBA can always use your assistance feeding local families, sponsoring programs for kids, helping neighbors living with HIV and AIDS, and more.

Thank you again, and we hope you had as lovely, joyous, and delicious a Thanksgiving as you helped so many of our neighbors have this year!

Photos via CAMBA