ACS Under Fire After Child Beaten Into A Coma Three Days After Tip-Off About Abuse

The Administration for Children’s Services was tipped off about possible abuse coming from the home of 3-year-old Jaden Jordan, who was brutalized to the point of losing brain function three days later. In the days before the tragedy, ACS was scrambling to find the right address, the Daily News first reported.
The ACS sent a few representatives and a police officer to the boy’s home today to talk to neighbors and investigate the house that they struggled to find last weekend, according to the News.
The kicker is that the wrong address that the tipster provided the ACS with is next door to Jordan’s home on West 5th Street in Gravesend. In fact, the two residences share a front porch.
They received the tip on Saturday, November 26. It wasn’t until Monday, November 28, that they found the right location — less than five feet from where they were originally investigating, according to officials.
On the afternoon the ACS cleared the confusion, Jordan was brought to Coney Island Hospital where he was put on life support with a fracture in his skull, and lacerations to his kidney and liver.
Little did the ACS know, Jordan was covered in feces, locked in a dog cage, and being harassed with a scary pit bull, according to neighbors and police.
Jordan’s father, who is going through a heartbreak this reporter cannot fathom, spoke with the News and had harsher words for the ACS than he did for the mother’s boyfriend who was charged for the assault on Wednesday.
“If somebody calls you, you just don’t go, ‘Oh, I got the wrong house’ and forget about it,” Guseyn Aliyev told the News. “Do your job!”
“After two days of diligently and aggressively investigating the complaint, it became clear … that the caller reported an inaccurate address,” said the ACS in a statement.
Not only is Aliyev dealing with the City agency’s failure to save his son, but also the fact that even if Jordan lives, he will have lost virtually all brain function.
“He’s most likely brain dead, all the signs show it,” Aliyev told the News. “There’s no coming back. Even if he lives, he will most likely be a vegetable.”

Police have charged the child’s mother’s boyfriend, Salvatore Lucchesse, 24, with four counts of assault, and endangerment of a child. Lucchesse was brought into the 61st Precinct for questioning earlier in the week. He originally told police the child, Jaden Jordan, had slipped in the tub.
He is now being held at Rikers Island without bail.
Neighbors have heard fighting and crying coming from the family’s apartment ever since they moved in about six weeks ago.
“I heard the man screaming, ‘Am I hitting you? I’m not even hitting you right now and you’re crying?’” one neighbor, Busria Codurogu, said. “I didn’t realize it was this bad.”
Jaden’s mother, Raven Chaynes, posted pictures of him on Facebook showing injuries to his forehead. These pictures were prior to this tragedy.
According to a News source, doctors found evidence with past abuse on Jordan’s body and even suggested his mother was aware of the pattern of abuse.
Lucchesse, who has four prior arrests and was mentioned in numerous NYPD domestic incident reports, according to the News, maintains his innocence. His lawyer argued that the child’s injuries were the result of Lucchesse giving him CPR.
“My client did what any concerned person would do,” attorney Debora Silberman said. “He tried to provide immediate care to this child.”
Jaden and his mother, Raven Haynes, 24, weren’t involved in Lucchesse’s past domestic incidents. However, four of the reports involved the same woman. One charge notes that Lucchesse broke an order of protection.