Accident at Mobile Gas Station on Knapp St.

When I pull into a gas station, I go with the mentality that even a tap against one of the pumps will lead to an explosion that’ll take out half of Brooklyn. Sure, it’s not realistic, but it keeps me from making an irresponsible move. The driver who nailed this pump at the Mobile station on Knapp Street and Gerritsen Avenue should’ve been thinking more like me. We’re not exactly sure what happened here, as the attendant on hand kept mum about the incident, but we do know it happened last night. The truck there now wasn’t involved; it’s there to protect people from being hurt. What’s going on in Brooklyn these days? Cars ramming gas pumps? Autos going for a swim? Buses forgetting that they can’t weave in traffic like bikers? It must be because 2012 is closing in. Damn Mayans…

(Photos and tip courtesy of Arthur B.)