A Third Of All Fire Alarm Boxes In NYC Don’t Work

A recent report by NY1 claims that roughly 5,000 of the 15,000 of fire alarm boxes in the city are out of service–largely in part, says Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano, because of Hurricane Sandy.

While we’ve only seen boxes around the neighborhood used for trash and Cassano says very few calls come in from functional boxes, other sources consulted insist boxes can save essential time while reporting a fire, and are especially important to the hearing-impaired.

Attorney Robert Stulberg, who has previously represented the Civic Association of the Deaf of New York City to help keep alarm boxes properly maintained, has asked the city to investigate the broken boxes, and residents worried about the status of a nearby alarm box are encouraged to call 311.

So, what’s your take on these boxes–are they still enough of a legitimate safety tool for the city to be spending time and money on, or are phones enough?