A Summer Night Out With The 66th Precinct

Among the local notables at the 66th Precinct’s gathering August 6 in Gravesend Park for the National Night Out Against Crime were Councilmen Brad Lander and David Greenfield holding a tete-a-tete on 18th Avenue, outside the park’s main entrance.

Here’s the 66th Precinct Community Affairs staff (in blue): Sgt. Michael Andreano and Detective Mike Milici. In the vest at far left, Shomrim Brooklyn South NYPD Liaison Jacob Daskal. In white shirts: on left, Mohammed J. Alam, 66th Precinct Community Council officer, standing next to Lt. Robert Delaney.

Community Board 12 member Maggie Tobin, the brain behind the Kensington Trash Mob, a group of volunteers dedicated to sweeping up the litter and trash left at Kensington Plaza and on Church Avenue, was also there chatting away with CB12 Chair Yidel Perlstein, and District Manager Wolf Sender (on far right in photo above, wearing a grey T-shirt and dark glasses.)
A handful of Trash Mobbers trailed in her wake. Pictured in their lime-green construction-crew vests are: JC Martinez, Maggie Tobin, Mike Rosenbluth, and Bridget Elder. (Not shown: Satori, JC’s exuberant 5-year-old daughter, there with her dad, and me, Jole Carliner, who took the photo.) Perhaps by force of habit, JC picked up the evening’s trash.

Commander Michael J. Deddo extended a welcoming hand to guests. He’s already planning for next year’s fete at IS 220, in the Pershing Jr. High School playground at 9th Avenue and 49th Street, closer to Sunset Park. D.I. Deddo’s teenage daughter was there, too, helping out, along with other teenagers, all members of the NYPD Explorers program.