A Little Bit Of Baltimore In Park Slope

The Old Stone House has a rich history as part of the Battle of Brooklyn during the American Revolution, and while we knew of its connection to Maryland, and the 400 brave men from the state who fought against 2,000, an article about those men in The Baltimore Sun points out a detail of the current building that we’d never noticed before:

The Old Stone House, on what is now 3rd Street in Brooklyn, flies two flags: an early version of the Stars and Stripes and, in honor of the Marylanders, the familiar black-and-gold standard of Lord Baltimore.

The piece, which has some more interesting info about the men, why more isn’t known about them, and the ongoing question about where their graves may be, is worth a read. Of course, if you’d like to learn more in person, you can visit The Old Stone House on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-4pm.

Photo by Old Stone House