A Casino? A Strip Club? Nope – It’s New Blondie

Where once there was the Blondie’s deli with an old fashioned sign at 607 Greenwood Avenue, a store named New Blondie is opening – and the shop’s bold, iridescent lettering has drawn quite a bit of attention from neighbors.

“It used to have this old, hand-drawn style sign and now… well… people are wondering if it’s a casino or a strip club,” neighbor Teresa wrote of the spot that’s next to Brooklyn Commune.

Residents also pointed out that the flashy new sign sits just across the street from the quaint Church of the Holy Apostles, a small wooden building that was built in 1892.

Have you seen the sign? What do you think of it? What are you hoping the New Blondie will be like?

Top photo courtesy Amber Ceffalio, second photo via neighbor Caroline.